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The impact of biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse on the overhead lifting equipment and material handling industry Companies can mitigate the impacts of biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse by adopting sustainable practices, improving energy …
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Hoist holds a unique place in the market, having built a reputation as the authoritative voice of the overhead lifting industry over the past 20 years. As the only international magazine dedicated to the overhead lifting sector, if you are looking to reach crane owners, manufacturers, installers, engineers and operators across the globe, Hoist is the ideal choice.
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Hoist remains the only international factory crane magazine, and the only title which truly represents overhead lifting equipment and, above…
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The Round Table – Automation in lifting Specialists from Ace World Companies, Caldwell and Conductix-Wampfler present their views on the current and future state of automation in lifting.; U.S. State Focus – Overhead crane companies in Texas We feature a selection of companies operating out of Texas.; Light cranes: Making light work of it …
Analysis Archives - Hoist
Extracting future gems. From Pan Africa acquiring TCMG, Hoisting Equipment Specialists expanding into Japan, LEEA LiftEx Gold Coast and Mammoet launching Hands-Free Lifting, we look at the latest news to come from Australasia.
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Kito Crosby launches hoists for Power Line Construction. Kito Crosby has introduced a line of hoists and load monitoring systems designed to improve safety, precision, and efficiency in…
Apr 1, 2022 · Chain hoists, manual or powered, look simple: a chain, a sprocket or two and a hook, and you are most of the way there. They may seem a mature technology: it is not as though the ever-accelerating advances in digital control of big data can do much for a hand-pulled chain that runs over a sprocket then down to a load.
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How to be safe when using hoists - Hoist
Oct 31, 2022 · A properly maintained hoist, used as it should be by a trained and competent operator, is generally speaking a safe machine. Nevertheless its purpose is to lift a load to a height, which is an inherently dangerous situation.
Expert Columns Archives - Hoist
LEEA column: Can thorough examination intervals be prolonged? Bernie Winter of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association’s Technical Services, answers a popular question: can the required interval between thorough examinations of lifting equipment be prolonged?