Scope - MathWorks
The Simulink ® Scope block and DSP System Toolbox™ Time Scope block display time domain signals. The two blocks have identical functionality, but different default settings. The Time …
Scopes and Data Logging - MathWorks
In MATLAB ®, you can visualize streaming data using scope System objects. In Simulink ®, you can visualize signals using scope blocks or apps, or you can save data to MATLAB with the …
Common Scope Block Tasks - MathWorks
This example shows how to save signals to the MATLAB Workspace using the Scope block. You can us these steps for the Scope or Time Scope blocks. To save data from the Floating Scope …
Scope Blocks and Scope Viewer Overview - MathWorks
Scope blocks and Floating Scope blocks both display simulation results, but they differ in how you attach signals and save data. Simulation behavior for a Floating Scope and a Scope Viewer is …
Multiple Inputs Scope in Simunk - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
Apr 17, 2011 · The Scopes already support multiple inputs, just go to the Scope parameters and choose the number of axes (double click on the scope to get the graph up and click the …
Scope Variables and Generate Names - MathWorks
Check Variable Scope in Editor. Use MATLAB ® function and variable highlighting features to identify when and where your code uses a particular function or variable. Variable Names. …
Check Variable Scope in Editor - MathWorks
By default, the Editor indicates functions, local variables, and variables with shared scope in various shades of blue. Variables with shared scope include: global variables, persistent …
Set Scope Parameters for Logging to Workspace - MathWorks
For data to be saved, set Scope block parameters. After you create a Simulink model and add a Scope block, you can enter the scope parameters for signal logging to the MATLAB …
Oscilloscope Software with MATLAB and Simulink - MathWorks
Using oscilloscope software (Time Scope in DSP System Toolbox) with MATLAB ® and Simulink ®, engineers can visualize, measure, and analyze the time-domain characteristics of evolving …
Control Scope Blocks Programmatically - MathWorks
Create a model and add a Scope and Time Scope block. Then, use get_param to create the Scope Configuration object myConfiguration.