Healthcare, Earthcare - SK chemicals
SK chemicals develops chemical products for tomorrow with creative thinking and technology, including the world’s first development of bio-copolyester, a plastic that is harmless to the human body and which reduces global warming, and the development of bio-diesel to substitute petroleum resources.
SK chemicals
SK chemicals' Life Science business has becomed a recognized leader in promoting public health through innovations in new synthetic drugs, natural products, biotechnology, and more.
Developing Green Materials & Healthcare Solutions | SK Chemicals | SK
With a focus on R&D and investments in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and plasma, SK chemicals has established itself as a global life science company that addresses the entire continuum of handling disease, from prevention to treatment.
SK chemicals
SK케미칼은 Bisphenol 유도체(BPA 등) 성분이 포함되지 않은 고투명, 고내열 코폴리에스터,금속을 대체할 수 있는 내열성과 내구성을 갖춘 슈퍼엔지니어링 플라스틱 (Super Engineering Plastic) 등 고부가가치 화학소재 생산을 통해 국내외 화학 분야의 대표 기업으로 자리 ...
Discover Our U.S. Investment and Operations Map - SK
SK Chemicals America. SK Chemicals advances production and R&D of ecofriendly materials in its green chemicals businesses – BPA-free transparent heat-resistant copolyester, super engineering plastics and bio materials. 3 Park Plaza, Suite 430, Irvine, CA 92614. Visit website
SK chemicals - LinkedIn
SK chemicals | 6,064 followers on LinkedIn. we care for the future. Healthcare, Earthcare | SK chemicals Co., Ltd. is a Korea-based company that is engaged in the manufacture of chemical...
SK chemicals ESG
SK Chemicals has strengthened its policy by implementing 100% Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including human impact, for all chemical products produced by SK Chemicals to ensure the chemical stability of its products.
Our ESG Approach - SK chemicals
SK Chemicals strives to minimize environmental impact and create a sustainable environment. The Green Materials business focuses on developing circular recycle solutions and securing a supply chain for recycled plastics and bio-based materials …
SK Chemicals - ALBIS
ALBIS - SK Chemicals wurde 1969 in Korea gegründet. Seitdem hat sich SK Chemicals zu einem weltweit führenden Hersteller von Chemie- und Life Science Produkten entwickelt. Das Unternehmen ist in die Geschäftbereiche Green Chemicals und Life Science aufgeteilt.
SK chemicals
With a focus on R&D and investments in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and plasma, SK chemicals has established itself as a global life science company that addresses the entire continuum of handling disease, from prevention to treatment.