Magpie goose - Wikipedia
The magpie goose (Anseranas semipalmata) is the sole living representative species of the family Anseranatidae. This common waterbird is found in northern Australia and southern New …
Magpie goose | Australian, Wetlands, Endangered | Britannica
Magpie goose, (Anseranas semipalmata), large unusual waterfowl of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Although classified by many ornithologists as the sole member of the subfamily …
Magpie Goose - The Australian Museum
The Magpie Goose is a specialized feeder with wild rice, Oryza, Paspalum, Panicum and spike-rush, Eleocharis, forming the bulk of its diet. During the breeding season, Magpie Geese build …
Magpie Goose - Facts, Habitat & Conservation | Complete …
Learn about the unique Magpie Goose of Australia and New Guinea, from its distinctive black and white plumage to breeding habits. Discover habitat, diet, and conservation status of this …
Magpie Goose - eBird
Large black-and-white waterbird with bulbous lump on the top of its head and striking orange legs and feet. Often seen in very large, noisy flocks. Typically found in and around wetlands, …
Magpie Goose - BirdLife Australia
Large, noisy flocks of up to a few thousand birds congregate to feed on aquatic vegetation. The Magpie Goose is a specialized feeder with wild rice, Oryza, Paspalum, Panicum and spike …
Magpie Goose - San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
Found throughout northern Australia, the magpie goose is the last known species of its family, Anseranatidae. These large, unusual birds have been known to congregate in huge flocks, …
ADW: Anseranas semipalmata: INFORMATION
Magpie geese are found only in their native Australia and the neighboring island of New Guinea, primarily in Pacific coastal areas. ("Magpie Goose (Anseranas semipalmata) Fact sheet", …
Magpie goose - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Magpie geese are birds with black and white plumage and yellowish legs. The feet are only partially webbed. Magpie geese eat plants in the water, as well as on land. Males are larger …
Magpie Goose (Anseranas semipalmata) Information | Earth Life
Jul 13, 2023 · The Magpie Goose, Anseranas semipalmata, is a waterbird species found in coastal northern Australia and savannah in southern New Guinea. It is a unique member of the …