Laurel Hedging - A Complete Guide to Laurel Hedging
On this website, we hope to provide information on the benefits of Laurel hedging, the different varieties of Laurel and how to plant them, how to trim and look after your Laurel hedge, how to prevent or cope with any potential problems with your …
Types of Laurel Hedging - Laurel Hedging
The types of Laurel Hedging. There are several different types of Laurel plants that are suitable for hedging. Most of the hedging plants sold in the UK come from the Common or Cherry Laurel group (Prunus laurocerasus) but Portugal Laurel also makes a dense, evergreen hedge.
Care - Laurel Hedging
How and When to Prune a Laurel Hedge. All types of laurel hedge need to be pruned once a year. The best time of year to prune is late spring/early summer as there will be lots of new growth at this time of year to cover up any “tatty” or damaged leaves caused by …
FAQs - Laurel Hedging
Planting your laurel hedge properly is essential to ensure they survive and grow quickly. See our page on Planting Laurel for detailed guide of how to do it. How fast do laurel plants grow?
Planting - Laurel Hedging
How to Plant a Laurel Hedge. Planting a Laurel hedge is generally straightforward but it is important to do the planting well as this will effect how quickly your hedge will grow.
Origins & Botany - Laurel Hedging
The Origins of Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) Prunus laurocerasus is indigenous to parts of south eastern Europe and south west Asia and is found in areas bordering the Black Sea and countries such as Iran, Turkey, Albania and Bulgaria.
Alternatives to Laurel Hedging
There are a number of alternative to Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’). See the list below: Portugal Laurel (Prunus lusitanica) Griselinia littoralis. Viburnum tinus. Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) Photinia ‘Red Robin’ Firethorn (Pyracantha) Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Cupressocyparis leylandii ...