Hobo Code: The Signs and Symbols Used by Travelers of Old
Nov 8, 2023 · What follows are 60 of the most common hobo symbols, along with their translations and interpretations. Most of these are relics from the early 20th century, but some are still used by travelers and train hoppers today.
Hobo Symbols and Their Meanings | Nearly 400 Symbols - SSoIH
Explore nearly 400 hobo symbols and their meanings. Understand the signs and symbols used by hobos to communicate.
Everything You Thought You Knew About ‘Hobo Code’ Is Wrong
Nov 16, 2021 · Popularized in the late 1800s and early 1900s, hobo code supposedly consisted of distinctive symbols to communicate vital information. They alerted other transient workers to trouble, such as...
Reading the Rails: What Was the Hobo Code? | HowStuffWorks
Jul 22, 2024 · The "hobo code" was a secret, symbol-based system used by Depression-era itinerant workers to share information. The pictographic code included directional symbols, danger warnings and tips on finding food and shelter.
Hobo signs and symbols, code for the road | Logo Design Love
Aug 20, 2023 · Hobo signs, from Symbol Sourcebook, by Henry Dreyfuss, via bLog-oMotives. Translations for some commonly used signs: A cross — “angel food” (food served to hobos after a sermon).
So, You’re Riding the Rails: Hobo Signs and Symbols
Oct 14, 2019 · These markings, carved or chalked into walls and gate posts, deftly judging the character of the homeowners or town. Because of the symbolic nature of markings, variation in meaning exists within communities, but listed here are the most common translations of these cryptic hobo hieroglyphics. “Tramps are appearing.
The Hobo Code: Their Secret Symbols, Explained - Popular Mechanics
Aug 24, 2023 · These are the marks that told travelers whether a town or house was friend or foe. Plus, a former hobo describes what his life was like.
Hobo Signs - Code of the Road? - Higs
Feb 2, 2020 · Hobo signs are symbols that hoboes used to provide direction for others on the road. The next hobo to pass by would see the sign and know that they could find a meal at this home, or to watch out for the dishonest man who lives here. But, were these signs ever really used on the road?
Hoboglyphs: Secret Transient Symbols & Modern Nomad Codes
Jun 3, 2010 · Modern hobos may not use the complex set of codes that proved so useful for 19th century wanderers, but the always-hilarious Rob Cockerham of Cockeyed.com has come up with a modern set of symbols that might be useful for anyone who needs some covert information.
Hobo Signs And Code Symbols You Didn't Know Existed - Ranker
Jun 2, 2021 · Traveling from city to city, hobos developed a visual code to help keep each other safe, often marking buildings with chalk or coal. Hobo symbols would indicate, for example, that it's safe to camp nearby, or that nice, generous people live inside.