Great Lakes Shipwreck Photos & Videos, Great Lakes Scuba Diving …
Great Lakes shipwrecks open a window onto the past three centuries of exploration and commerce on the inland seas, and offer some of the best-preserved examples of maritime …
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
Heavy traffic mixed with fog, cavalier captains, and late fall and early summer gales made the sailing or steaming on these lakes the most hazardous on earth. Thousands of ships have …
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
Most of the shipwrecks shown in this site lie within or near areas defined by the Michigan Underwater Preserves system. Isle Royale National Park • Diving Isle Royale: 1977 & 2010
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
About Great Lakes Shipwrecks • Shipwreck Map & Index • Great Lakes Scuba Diving • Buy Posters & Photos • Photo Blog • Links • Contact Us
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
About Great Lakes Shipwrecks • Shipwreck Map & Index • Great Lakes Scuba Diving • Posters & Photos • Links • Contact Thomas Hume: 1870—1890 The loss of the lumber schooner …
Vienna - greatlakesunderwater.com
The Vienna actually rests about a mile outside the harbor of refuge at Whitefish Point in 145 feet of water. Because it is the closest wreck to the harbor, and the most protected in bad weather, …
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
The mussels have greatly improved the water clarity, but our video offers a last good look at the degree of underwater preservation that was practically unique to the Great Lakes. Jan next to …
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
The Mary Alice B. is a modern steel 65 foot tug built in 1931 in Duluth, Minnesota. She was lost while being towed in 1975 about 6 miles out from Port Sanilac, Michigan. The tug rests in …
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
The island is one of the truly wild places left in America: miles of deep densely wooded rock; a black night sky filled with stars and northern lights; cold, deep, clear water; and shipwrecks …
Great Lakes Shipwreck History and Rediscovery
The mussels have greatly improved the water clarity, but our video offers a last good look at the degree of underwater preservation that was practically unique to the Great Lakes. Detail of the …