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The sale price of this unit at 868C Tampines Avenue 8 is S$ 575,000. What is the current PSF at 868C Tampines Avenue 8? Current PSF at 868C Tampines Avenue 8 is about S$ 797.50 psf. What is the ...
How long should I wait to apply for a loan after completing the Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS)? My DRS just ended this month. Has anyone experienced this before? Please share your advice property experts ...
My wife and I are 43 this year. We have a hdb (worth around 780k) that is still under mortgage (410k outstanding). We have around 330k cash + cpf oa. I’m currently earning $13k, wifey is not working ...
There are 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms in this unit. What is the rental price of this unit at 715 Woodlands Drive 70? The rent of this unit at 715 Woodlands Drive 70 is about S$ 3,000 /mo. What is the ...
Singaporean family consists of a father and his two sons. My father owns a 4-room HDB flat. Me,elder son, aged 46, is single, while the My brother:younger son, 39, is married to a foreign spouse who ...
Be the first to upvote this question. Good day to you, HDB website has all the essential answers that you require. As for myself, I can respond to some of it, based on my limited knowledge. Navigate ...
S$ 0 Loan Amount at 0% Loan-to-value The sale price of this unit at 663A Yishun Avenue 4 is S$ 1,250,000. What is the current PSF at 663A Yishun Avenue 4? Current PSF at 663A Yishun Avenue 4 is about ...
The sale price of this unit at 931 Yishun Central 1 is S$ 720,000. What is the current PSF at 931 Yishun Central 1? Current PSF at 931 Yishun Central 1 is about S$ 643.43 psf. What is the estimated ...
S$ 0 Loan Amount at 0% Loan-to-value The sale price of this unit at 855 Tampines Street 83 is S$ 538,000. What is the current PSF at 855 Tampines Street 83? Current PSF at 855 Tampines Street 83 is ...
S$ 0 Loan Amount at 0% Loan-to-value The sale price of this unit at 28 Ghim Moh Link is S$ 1,100,000. What is the current PSF at 28 Ghim Moh Link? Current PSF at 28 Ghim Moh Link is about S$ 1,111.11 ...
There are -1 bedrooms with 1 bathrooms in this unit. What is the rental price of this unit at Jalan Belibas? The rent of this unit at Jalan Belibas is about S$ 1,500 /mo. What is the current rental ...