Big shock in Graz in the district of Gries. A teenager threatened a tobacconist's employee with a kitchen knife and forced her to hand over all the ...
A collective sigh of relief for the women of PSVBG Salzburg. Coach Ingrida Schweiger's squad celebrated their second win of ...
Stefan Posch is on the verge of leaving Bologna. The 27-year-old Styrian was also not in the squad for the league match against Como after the ...
Im Kampf um einen Platz im Pre-Play-off der ICE-Eishockeyliga haben die beiden Konkurrenten Vienna Capitals und Pioneers ...
Russland steht im Donbass in der Ukraine vor einem großen militärischen Sieg. Die Truppen des Kreml-Herren nehmen eine Verteidigungsstellung nach der ...
Russia is on the brink of a major military victory in the Donbass in Ukraine. The Kremlin ruler's troops are taking one defensive position after ...
Nach einem Lawinenabgang am Pitztaler Gletscher, bei dem sein Bruder (45) mitgerissen und schwer verletzt wurde, setzte ein 51-jähriger die riskante ...
After an avalanche on the Pitztal Glacier, in which his brother (45) was swept away and seriously injured, a 51-year-old continued the risky ...
If you have a lot of (still) full or empty beer bottles at home, you can rejoice: the value of empties will increase ...
Time and again, men stumble across the strange habit of sending extremely intimate pictures to people who have never asked ...
The first title is gone! Sturm Graz lost 2-0 to Austria in the quarter-finals of the ÖFB Cup. Here's what the Styrians had to say after the game: ...