Red Tower Books, an imprint of Entangled Publishing, is partnering with the U.K.'s Penguin Books to launch Red Tower in the U.K. as an imprint of its Penguin Michael Joseph division. The expansion ...
London Book Fair 2025 is under way and is once more an essential date in the diary for anyone who works in the literary or publishing world. On the back of World Book Day, the three-day event is ...
“Each of the first 12 digits of the ISBN is alternately multiplied by 1 and 3,” explains the ISBN Users’ Manual; “The check digit is equal to 10 minus the remainder resulting from dividing ...
This article is brought to you by our exclusive subscriber partnership with our sister title USA Today, and has been written by our American colleagues. It does not necessarily reflect the view of The ...
Gurugram (Haryana) [India], March 6: HarperCollins Publishers India launches its new imprint Booktopus which will exclusively feature a range of high-quality, memorable books that foster curiosity and ...
Politicians are looking to crack down on so-called ghost plates after a reported rise in drivers running red lights and breaking the speed limit. Labour MP Sarah Coombes is trying to change the ...
The first Christian book exhibition in Malaysia, was held last week with the theme ''Let Christian Books into This Era.'' The first Christian book exhibition in Malaysia, was held last week with the ...
Your support allows The Imprint to provide independent, nonpartisan daily news covering the issues faced by vulnerable children and families. The Imprint is an independent, nonprofit daily news ...
Looking for Shari Lapena’s books in order? Look no further! No stranger to the Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller lists, Shari Lapena is quickly becoming one of the most prolific thriller ...
How many times have you walked out of a lecture hall or a communal area and felt the need to upgrade your tech, replace your water bottle, purchase a new clothing article, or even just wanting to buy ...