Big Finish has announced the first story details for its upcoming audio adventure that will reunite Christopher Eccleston and ...
The Unquiet Dead had already established that 21st century Doctor Who wasn't afraid to terrify its young audience, but The Empty Child picked up that baton and set out to traumatise a generation of ...
You might notice a bit of a theme with the top three. As I just mentioned, Doctor Who is best when it's scary, and Moffat set the spooky bar pretty high right at the beginning of his Whoniverse ...
During WWII, a mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the army, while homeless children, living on the bombsites, are being terrorised by an unearthly child. Meet the new Doctor! See the Doctor ...
Early versions of the script gave it the title An Empty Child - a reference to the first Doctor Who story An Unearthly Child. It also had the working title of World War II at one point.