Debbie Kinder of Charleston, West Virginia has used an ostomy bag for around four years. Her nonprofit, Kinder's Closet, ...
City of Hope, one of the largest and most advanced cancer research and treatment organizations in the U.S. with its National ...
HANNAH Whateley faced every parent’s worst nightmare when her baby girl ate a toy that burned through her stomach.  Araya, ...
For thousands of stoma users, life in London is lived on a ‘loo leash’ – a daily existence dictated by the availability of ...
Kennedy Orangi, KNUN chairman of the MTRH branch, has outlined the challenges faced by nurses at the facility, which led to ...
"I needed a way to protect my ostomy pouch while training and working as a police officer, playing hockey, or engaging in ...
Given two years to survive and living more than 10 years past that mark to tell the story. “I was 44 when I was diagnosed,” ...
When a job is as special as playing anthems that are life mottos for thousands of people, the concept of retirement changes ...
Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword.
A Disney World guest caused quite a disturbance after allegedly pooping on the wall and floor while waiting in line for Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind at Epcot. Another Disney World guest took ...
The operation is called a colostomy. The surgeon will attach the end of your colon to the stoma. Bowel movements will leave your body through it and collect in a special pouch that you’ll empty out.
The sexual assault was so brutal that doctors had to operate on colostomy because of the internal trauma. As per the report, the accused rapists was under the influence of alcohol when he lured ...