If you and your spouse have a nice amount of money saved up, then you may decide that you'll each claim Social Security as ...
A 2.5% Social Security cost-of-living adjustment is the lowest increase to benefits since 2021. To increase those checks, ...
Most presidents tend to avoid proposing changes to Social Security, because any change will eventually result in some group ...
Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy said the Social Security Administration must implement the Social Security Fairness Act as ...
It ends the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), which reduced or eliminated the Social ...
Social Security benefits are eligible for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) each year so that they have a chance to keep up ...
The nonpartisan advocacy group The Senior Citizens League predicts the 2026 COLA will be 2.1%, based on data from the Bureau ...
By now, all seniors on Social Security should have gotten their first checks for 2025. With the latest 2.5% cost-of-living ...
One positive aspect of Social Security is that the program is set up to adapt to economic changes. Each year, for example, ...
When you apply for Social Security right away, you guarantee yourself the greatest number of checks. When you claim Social ...
Callers to the SSA hear a message about the Social Security Fairness Act, intended to reduce long and frustrating wait times ...
Learn how the Social Security Fairness Act may increase your retirement benefits by eliminating the Windfall Elimination ...