As part of the same measure, Produce also increased the by-catch tolerance for undersized fish from 10% to 25%.
The Argentine company specializing in toothfish fisheries, Pesantar, which has Newsan and Profand as its main shareholders, ...
Fish by-products could significantly improve nutrient retention from aquaculture feed. Researchers at University of ...
The company has already begun preparations for Phase 2, which will expand its facilities to 47,000 square meters.
The vessel's commissioning in the UK was completed by Macduff Shipyards. The two sister vessels, ‘Fruitful Harvest’ and ...
Norway seafood trade body urges changes to working hours regulation. Current rules "not adapted to the seasonal challenges ...
The Finnish company's priority is to reduce food industry waste and promote sustainably produced fish use. It has patented a ...
After an extensive external search, the company decided to rely on the leadership of its interim CEO since July 2024.
UK politicians form All-Party Parliamentary Group for Shellfish Aquaculture. 🌊 New cross-party group "seeks to assist a ...
In comparison, 62% of seafood exports went to the EU, while 21% went to Asia. In February, Norway exported seafood products ...
German project brings RAS Grouper farming to Europe. Consortium composed of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Oceanloop and ...
Pure Salmon Technology has announced the resignation next May of its current CEO, Kent Kongsdal Rasmussen, who has held the ...