Italy has highest "average age" in Europe. In the EU countries, the range from 39.4 years in Ireland to 48.7 years in Italy.
The pontiff is carrying out his activities, and yesterday he was able to receive a visit from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, ...
President Mattarella's visit to the small state of Montenegro. The Head of State returned to talk about the conflict in ...
Pope Francis' health. Hospitalized at the Gemelli in Rome due to a bronchitis, the Holy Father’s condition is complicated and ...
Pope Francis has a bilateral pneumonia and his condition is of great concern. After a CT scan doctors changed therapy yesterday: the next 48 hours will be crucial. This morning's news from the ...
L'aggressione è avvenuta nei pressi dello stadio 'Briamasco'. L'episodio è accaduto la notte fra il 14 e il 15 febbraio ...
Intervista ai cardinali Ravasi e Semeraro sull'ipotesi rinuncia. Il primo: "Continuare la testimonianza con limite nuovo". Il ...
Drugo mesto je zasedla Nemka Selina Freitag, tretje pa domačinka Jacqueline Seifriedsberger. Še tri Slovenke so osvojile ...
Nogometaši Udineseja so v 26. krogu italijanskega prvenstva v gosteh ugnali Lecce z 1:0 (1:0). Edini zadetek na tekmi je z ...
Švicar Von Allmen je zmagovalec šestega smuka v SP. V domači Crans Montani je ob Odermattu in Monneyju poskrbel za trojno ...