Mithra Warrier, Citi North America head of capital introduction, joins 'Closing Bell' to discuss investing in hedge funds, ...
Diane Swonk, KPMG chief economist, and Gilbert Garcia, Garcia Hamilton and Associates CIO, and Steven Wieting, Citi Wealth ...
Citigroup Inc. almost shifted about $6 billion to a customer’s account by accident after a staffer handling the transfer ...
David Finkelstein, a veteran investment banker who currently heads Citigroup's global consumer and retail banking franchise, ...
Citigroup credited $81 trillion to a customer’s account, instead of just $280, and took hours to reverse the transaction — an ...
Last year, Citi had a total of 10 "near misses" of $1 billion or greater, the Financial Times reported. Near misses are when ...
The bank temporarily credited a customer’s account with trillions of dollars, adding to scrutiny of risk management systems ...
Researchers at Citigroup say that new tariffs on Canada and Mexico are likely to dent economic growth and push the Federal ...
Citi's current strategy might certainly boost its profitability and claw back the valuation gap to its peers. Click here to ...
(Reuters) - Citi anticipates an eventual implementation of a 25% copper-specific tariff by the fourth quarter of 2025, ...
Citigroup Inc.’s Mexican retail bank Grupo Financiero Banamex is planning to launch its own corporate banking business — a move that will eventually put it in competition with its current parent.
Citigroup nearly credited about $6 billion to a customer's account in its wealth-management business by accident, Bloomberg ...