A woman from the United Kingdom living in Cape Town asked locals what she should expect when it came to the weather during ...
After cheering for more than a decade, Hannah Morgan is finally living out her dream.  The Harwich resident was the lone ...
With the Nova Scotia legislature expected to adjourn late today, a political scientist says the winter sitting was marked by ...
Nathan Hanisko, Cape Elizabeth’s Winter Athlete of the Year, was tough to beat and everyone on the ice knew it. He kept the Capers in every game and will leave behind impossible shoes to fill.
As we leave winter and head into spring, here is a look back at some of the worst snowstorms to hit Mashpee and the Cape over ...
Spring is in the air but the chill that gripped Nova Scotia for much of the winter was a boon to operators of some of the ...
There’s nothing more uplifting … well I guess there are things more uplifting … but there is hardly anything more uplifting ...
In Cape Town, cockroach infestations become a standard issue during the winter months as the ugly little pests seek warmth ...
A coastal low will glide just south of New England, bringing a slight chance of scattered showers this morning, mainly south ...
Scientists aren't sure exactly why the events are increasing, but say it's likely attributed to a variety of factors.
The Farmers' Almanac just released its extended spring forecast; A late winter storm is predicted for April; The weather is ...
While Premier Houston has walked back some of the more controversial proposals, Tom Urbaniak says government moves have aimed to increase cabinet’s authority and shrink the legislature’s ability to pr ...