“Bai lan”, or letting it rot, is a new movement sweeping through China. The term refers to young people refusing to make an effort in life because they have lost hope. Ken Fung, director of ...
When the American writer Derek Sandhaus arrived in Shanghai in 2006, he soon encountered Chinese baijiu — a fiery and powerful liquor found at dining room tables and bars across the country. He didn’t ...
Read our writers’ takes on the film that mattered most last year, the Emilia Pérez controversy, and more.
Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 20 martie, de la ora 14:00, în Sala Marii Uniri din Palatul Comitatului, situat pe Bulevardul Revoluției, nr. 81. Scris de Sorina Ambruș-Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 20 ...
Va oferim spre consultare lista completa a unitatilor turistice care accepta vouchere de vacanta de la cei trei emitenti autorizati: Edenred, Up si Pluxee. Odata ce ati primit voucherele de la ...