You're likely in the clear if your student loan debt is already wiped out, but current borrowers may soon be out of luck.
Snow Scholars started in 2022 in Madison, WI; now it's grown to 600 customers in three states and an appearance on ABC's "Shark Tank." ...
During Linda McMahon's confirmation hearing for education secretary, she said she will uphold the loan program.
Thousands of South African students face financial instability due to unpaid fees, preventing them from registering or ...
The short answer is, yes. Your loan isn't owed to the Dept. of Education, it's owed to the federal taxpayer. Can you de-scum a shower curtain liner in the washing machine? Is there a right way to load ...
The U.S. Department of Education is experiencing major turmoil as the Trump administration takes steps to undermine and ...
Borrowers who have already received forgiveness may be on edge asking if the Trump administration will claw back forgiven student loans and force borrowers to repay debt.
A federal judge will hear arguments on efforts by a group of California public university students to block DOGE from accessing sensitive federal student loan records.
In an effort to help those deserving of tertiary education, but who can't afford it, Wits has recently cleared the debt of 800 students, some of whom can now graduate.
He said after considering plans to address outstanding pension liabilities, the FG, through the Debt Management Office, will ...