Audiologist and researcher Dr. Julia Campbell shares her insights into the state of misophonia research and how we may get ...
These birds have neurons that are activated when they produce specific vocalizations, similar to how neurons are activated in ...
Langston Charter Middle School Principal David Wooten explains the scientific reasons for and successful outcomes of teaching ...
The news moves fast, but understanding takes time. At Vox, we don’t chase every headline. We focus on what really matters. We ...
Loneliness has become a global health crisis, linked to depression, dementia, and early death. With over a billion people ...
Using Hanlon’s Razor and maintaining empathy in customer service takes a little practice. It helps having a mentor like Bob ...
Discover 4 ways parenthood transforms your brain, hormones, identity and perception of time, creating changes more profound ...
Impulsivity, often seen as reckless, has evolutionary benefits and modern applications in creativity, risk-taking, and leadership. Effectively managing it can enhance success.
A rigid, purely analytical approach may lead to short-term success, but a leader who embraces creativity, intuition, and ...
Discover how your diet can impact tinnitus risk. Fruits, dairy, and moderate caffeine may reduce symptoms significantly.
The animate-inanimate category distinction is one of the general organizing principles in the primate high-level visual cortex. Much less is known about the visual cortical representations of animacy ...