I t has the body of a mouse, the snout of an anteater, and the poor vision of a mole, and it’s creating tunnels and holes in your lawn. I’m talking, of course, about the shrew. This tiny ...
To curb the spread of Lyme disease in the northeastern United States, scientists and public health experts for decades have ...
The neurotoxic saliva of the short-tailed shrew is a unique adaptation among North American mammals. Its poisonous bite is a result of secretions of the submaxillary glands which contain enough toxin ...
Here are eight tiny tyne creatures known as the smallest mammals of the earth. At only 1.3g, the extinct B. vanhouteni is believed to be the smallest mammal that ever lived. This tiny, shrew-like ...
Etruscan shrews are 20 times lighter than the average adult mouse. They have a body length of about 4 cm excluding the tail ...
Potter Park Zoo in Lansing announced Wednesday that two northern tree shrew pups were born on Jan. 13. Their birth marks the first successful litter for parents Caper (4 years old) and Katherine ...