The biotite and muscovite crystals are preferentially oriented, developing a spaced foliation/schistosity, and the feldspar crystals are incipiently clayified and sericitized, giving the crystals a ...
Photomicrographs taken in polarized light. Structures and textures of MV-58A and quartz-mica schist MV-58C: (A) Pink gray and ocher saprolite of mica schists showing quartz venules along the ...
HIGHLIGHTS: Colline is completely outside existing mineral resources, sits less than 4km from the Chibougamau Processing ...
Infill results of up to 5.6% CuEq highlight potential to increase indicated resource while exploration drilling at a new target delivers results such as 8.6m at 2.3% CuEq within 100m of surface, ...
Colline is completely outside existing mineral resources, sits less than 4km from the Chibougamau Processing Facility and highlights the potential to grow the high-grade Chibougamau Resource ...
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