A new study underscores the ubiquity of pleasant smells attached to commonly displayed objects, like sarcophagi and wrappings used in mummified remains.
The researchers claim to have discovered eight vertical cylinder-shaped structures, referred to as shafts, extending ...
The pyramids of Giza are impressive, but to experience even more of Egypt's history without throngs of tourists, visit this ...
Everyone knows that the Egyptian pyramids are ancient — but exactly how old are they? Historians estimate that they were ...
Given the difference in grandeur between this tomb and the sarcophagi found over a century earlier ... It was found at an ancient burial ground in Saqqara, which dates back to 2,700 BCE. The pyramid ...
At the site of Tombos, archaeologists have found that less-affluent laborers may be buried with upper-class people in pyramid ...
These are the world’s oldest landmarks still standing, relics that defy the erosion of millennia. From the enigmatic pillars ...
A HIDDEN city has been found underneath the pyramids in a new bombshell discovery, scientists have claimed. Researchers from ...
Wealthy individuals were buried in tombs with small pyramids atop them. In the new study, the scientists examined about 110 skeletons at Tombos. They analyzed where the muscles and ligaments ...
Most liberal scholars invent the swoon theory because they will never accept any miracle – miracles aren’t sophisticated enough for them – but yet they can’t avoid the empty tomb. Their conclusions ...