A face mask, of course! This COSRX Snail Mucin Sheet Mask is great for aging skin and works to repair damage and boost hydration. It’s also an Amazon best seller and has over 2,000 positive reviews.
It’s from a famous Korean brand. When I reflect on my college years, I cringe: at the men I pined for, the sustenance I chose (Oreos and JIF, washed down with mystery frat-party punch), and the ...
Kayseri'de ‘sabun paketçiliÄŸi’ olarak bilinen ve baÅŸkalarına ait banka hesaplarının toplanarak 132 bin TL dolandırıcılık yaptıkları iddiasıyla gözaltına alınan 5 ÅŸüpheliden 3 ...
More than 1m votes were cast (pretty epic, NGL) and now we have our winners. Presenting your absolute faves from the world of beauty... Here, on the Cosmo UK beauty desk, there are very few things ...
Korean beauty brand CosRx introduced The Ceramide Skin Barrier Moisturizer for those frustrated with clogged pores. It is designed to strengthen the skin barrier and restore balance, this moisturizer ...
SonDakika.com Haber Portalı 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu'na %100 uygun olarak yayınlanmaktadır. Haberlerin yeniden yayımı ve herhangi bir ortamda basılması önceden yazılı izin gerektirir ...