Expanded polystyrene foam, the white fluffy plastic in styrofoam, was banned in food service ware on Jan. 1. But shoppers in ...
The new season of Grand Designs returns tonight with an ambitious project that’s never been attempted before. Airing since ...
Polystyrene nanoparticles are widely used in consumer products. The researchers found that nanoparticle exposure alters red ...
Business groups fear legislation moving through Springfield banning single-use plastics and styrofoam containers will drive ...
Hawaiʻi is the home of surfing. Could old surfboards provide residents with new environmentally friendly homes?
The effort, House Bill 6229, would ban single-use plastics and polystyrene containers — better known under the brand name Styrofoam — from restaurants, food trucks, schools and other public ...
Nanoplastics in water hindered oxygen transport in zebrafish, underscoring their toxic impact on aquatic health.
Businesses say ban pushed by CT legislators would be costly and alternative materials aren’t readily available.