à l’origine de plusieurs parcs éoliens en France et au Maroc, et Petrom, une société pétrolière appartenant à la famille de l’élue marocaine Mbarka Bouaida. Près de Dakhla ...
Avant de toucher les parts de l'Etat dans les sociétés l'associant aux compagnies internationales, les privatisations viennent d'être lancées dans la distribution de produits pétroliers avec celles de ...
OMV Petrom SA has begun constructing a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel unit with a combined capacity of 250,000 metric tons a year at its Petrobrazi refinery in Romania.
OMV Petrom started construction of a new plant for production of sustainable aviation fuel and renewables-based diesel at the 4.5-million tpy Petrobrazi refinery in southeast Romania. OMV ...
Expro (XPRO) has been awarded major contracts from OMV Petrom, totaling more than $10M for the Neptun Deep gas project in the Black Sea. See what stocks are receiving Strong Buy ratings from top ...
Neptun Deep is the largest natural gas project in the Romanian Black Sea. OMV Petrom has let contracts totaling more than $10 million to Expro for the Neptun Deep gas project in the Black Sea.
Integrated energy producer OMV Petrom has begun construction of a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel (HVO) production unit at its Petrobrazi refinery in Romania. Following a ...
Starting January 2025, aircraft at Cluj-Napoca International Airport can use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) provided by OMV Petrom, marking a significant step in reducing carbon emissions in air ...
The new sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel (HVO) unit will have a production capacity of 250,000 tons of sustainable fuels per year, starting in 2028 With this €750-MM investment, ...
OMV Petrom S.A. (Bucharest, Romania) announced the start of construction for a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel (HVO) production unit at the Petrobrazi refinery. This new facility ...