The field of gene editing recently got a major boost from Massachusetts-based Beam Therapeutics, and the company’s Durham ...
By analyzing huge amounts of biological data, the use of machine learning accelerates the identification of critical control ...
Patients with trimethylaminuria, or "fish odor syndrome," make too much of a chemical with a strong fishy smell.
Childhood-onset striatonigral neurodegeneration robs children of the ability to walk and talk by age five. Researchers at ...
A surprising mix of inherited and de novo mutations in 60 genes contribute to 10 percent of CHD cases. Many of these same ...
Marek’s disease can be pervasive in chicken houses. Chickens infected by this highly contagious viral disease often develop ...
Mutated H5N1 Bird Flu Found in Cats: Scientists have identified a genetic mutation in two infected cats that is linked to ...
Researchers have discovered genetic mutations in frequent blood donors that may promote the production of healthy cells ...