China’s proposed mega dam at the Great Bend region of the Medog county in the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) would be the ...
Bangladesh has expressed concern over China’s plan to build a massive hydropower dam upstream on the Brahmaputra in Tibet and ...
China plans to produce energy on a scale never seen. What is this Holy Grail of energy and what does it mean for China's ...
Now, the Modi government is bedevilling China’s approved Medog Dam in Tibet to stir up tension on unfounded paranoia of water scarcity, ecological havoc and environmental implications on ...
UN Advocacy Officer warns about severe risk posed by China’s Metok dam to Tibet. | One of India's leading Digital News Agency ...
UK Minister Ed Miliband is travelling to Beijing next week to discuss green energy cooperation with the Chinese government ...
Researchers conducting fieldwork in Medog County – a “biodiversity hotspot ... an autonomous region controlled by China, and is near the border with India. Researchers said the installation ...