Domoic acid, a potent neurotoxin produced by algae, has been killing sea lions and dolphins along California’s coastline for ...
Sensors attached to animals gather valuable data to track and mitigate the human influence on marine life. The review paper emphasizes the importance of integrating data from various sources and ...
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
Ocean warming threatens marine life and ecosystems, endangering corals, turtles, penguins, clownfish, and whales. Urgent ...
Domoic acid poisoning is stranding marine mammals as warnings are issued to beachgoers of the threat posed by animals that ...
Gulf Word Marine Park, plagued by issues, has had another dolphin die after three died last year. What's happening?
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
Biologging uses animal sensors to track ocean changes, helping scientists address climate, pollution, and conservation.
I endured the most harrowing and traumatic experience of my 20 years of surfing,” the photographer and explorer said.
Public outrage over four recent dolphin deaths and poor conditions at Gulf World Marine Park has sparked an immediate investigation by local, state, and federal ...