Some of the artist’s most psychologically insightful work came in the final years of his life — a mature period cut short by ...
In March 1925, Tennessee became the first state in the country to ban the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms.
Greetings from the Munda wa Chitedze Farm where peace, and only peace, reigns supreme. You see, the villagers around the farm have started harvesting their maize. You see, we always tell them to ...
Rudolf Leopold played a central role ... Impressionists shocked Paris with their rebellious Société Anonyme show. Test how well you know those once-revolutionary smudges.
PULSETRAIN's technology delivers up to 80% longer lifespan for EV batteries, the equivalent of lasting 18 years instead of 10, while reducing thermal risks. That means manufacturers can build more ...
The administration has recently aimed its retributive machinery directly at the legal profession. The personalization of ...
Scopes, who had just finished his first year of teaching, willing to take up the test case. Scopes was arrested ... where he saved child-killers Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb from the death ...
But even as tempting as it might be for the NASCAR Hall of Famer to test out his new ZR1's speed ... and a 1968 model that belonged to Belgium's King Leopold III, among dozens of other rare ...