Bisrat Tesfay Negassi is an Eritrean-born fashion designer, author, and cultural curator. Born in Asmara in the early 1970s, she fled with her family to Hamburg, Germany, during her childhood due to ...
They used to say that life imitates art. Today, it is probably more likely to imitate a meme. And no meme is more relevant today, more searingly real, than “Democrats ...
Do you ever wish that a few simple words could be transformed into beautiful pieces of art? This dream has become a reality ...
The festival included a captivating Odissi recital, stirring spoken-word performances ... and captivating art that celebrate the vibrant spirit of the city.
Researchers prove that A.I. is better than people at crafting jokes that require no context and inspire no laughter.
Some experts predict that A.I. will surpass human intelligence within the next few years. Play this puzzle to see how far the ...
Article continues below "I've spent most of today with another solo traveller and quite enjoyed her company, but I am fully aware she's from a more forthright culture than me," she explained on ...
A future where many humans are in love with bots may not be far off. Should we regard them as training grounds for healthy ...
Homeowners with very specific tastes should move on from their unique creations, which may mean spending at least $20,000 to ...
“It just feels like a natural fit. It's who I am.” Word circulated around the 2024 Final Four that Achonwa was interested in coaching. An AAU coach that Achonwa knew also knew an agent who ...