A BDMLR CI spokesperson asked the public to keep dogs away from the seal if he comes ashore again and to keep their distance ...
A team of scientists with the Sea Mammal Research Unit, School of Biology, University of St Andrews, in the U.K. has found ...
The young spotted marine mammal was seen on the beach near 33rd Street Monday morning, then returned to the Atlantic the ...
The seals’ ability to detect the amount of oxygen in their blood may help them make diving decisions and avoid drowning.
Staff at the National Aquarium Animal Care and Rescue Center are rehabilitating four young grey seals, hitting the center’s ...
The sea mammals may actually be able to sense the amount of oxygen in their blood—something we humans can't do.
A rehabilitated grey seal from Germany has amazed marine conservationists after it travelled 515km (320 miles) to the East ...
On Monday afternoon, wildlife conservation photographer James Ford snapped a few photographs of a juvenile grey seal on the ...
A juvenile gray seal is still resting on the beach on 33rd Street, as of 2 p.m. WTKR News 3's John Hood took video of the ...
On Monday afternoon, wildlife conservation photographer James Ford snapped a few photographs of a juvenile grey seal on the ...
A juvenile gray seal was spotted resting on the beach by WTKR News 3's John Hood, who shot video of the seal around 1:30 p.m.