Gherkin, horde, uhlan, kielbasa, schlub... The Internet is full of examples of words of (supposedly) Polish origin that have made it into the global English lexicon (here’s a full list). These are ...
But to Londoners it would always be the Gherkin. After opening in the spring of 2004, the skyscraper quickly became a symbol ...
Which brings us to 30 St Mary’s Axe – more commonly known as The Gherkin – which successfully mixed iconic and aesthetically pleasing when it opened in 2004. The tower, a prize-winning ...
For some applications, smaller is better and that is precisely the thinking behind a diminutive keyboard like the PiPi Gherkin, which is designed to use the Raspberry Pi Pico as its controller.
Buena, onetime home of Gherkin Records. It’s across the street from a Frankie Knuckles mural unveiled on the side of the Uptown library in September, which is also dedicated to Gherkin.
Fresh gherkins are in season from June to October, but pickled gherkins can be found year-round. If buying fresh gherkins, look for small, firm, unblemished specimens. Pickled ones should be ...
Luxury shoe brand Mallet London has, in partnership with Zellerfeld, broken into the 3D printed footwear segment with the launch of Nebula.