The Global Field Program (GFP) is a master’s degree program that brings scientists, educators, community leaders, and others together at critical conservation hotspots in Africa, Asia, Australia, and ...
Fortunately, two scientists, Martin Chalfie and Roger Tsien, read Prasher's paper and sensed the dramatic potential of GFP. Chalfie asked whether the cloned gene could be expressed in another ...
1) Figure 1: GFP-fragment reassembly vectors and cloning ... We purify the DNA by electrophoresis through Whatman glass fiber filter paper (GF/C) onto dialysis membrane, but commercial methods ...
“That indicated there must be some kind of coupling,” Morin said. Shimomura continued to study GFP and identified its chromophore in 1979. 4 Ultimately, though, he returned to studying bioluminescence ...
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is one of the many significant proteins ... are also senior authors of an open-access paper ...