12."Drinking. I work in a restaurant. I can't go out with coworkers without at least three people shoving a shot of tequila ...
The number of people telling me I will regret not having ... I'm sick of being treated like the shy dweeb and having everyone pity me for how self-conscious they think I am. I am happy to watch ...
Humorist Jerry Zezima dresses up as a Samoa to help sell Tagalongs, Trefoils, Thin Mints and other Girl Scout cookies.
Magazine Dreams” and “Flipside” are very different films united by an obsession with dashed dreams.
Lady accuses inDrive driver of assault over a payment dispute, shares evidence online, but the driver denies the allegations.
Setting up and managing groups on Linux systems can help when you need to assign specific privileges to particular groups of ...
Relations between France and America might be about to get even frostier. Right-wing US commentators have reignited an absurd ...