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How are you even married at that weight?' Or they'd just call me a 'fat cow,'" she said. "I honestly thought I was fine before I lost weight." Sometimes, the remarks were more subtle ...
When you see a picture of an unbearably cute animal, are you ever filled with so much emotion, all you can do is grit your teeth or clench your fists? Do you feel an urge to squeeze something ...
QUESTION: Hi Dr. Zac, I’m a barista at a hectic cafe in Bondi, Australia. I won’t name the cafe, because I will probably lose my job for what I’m about to say. The people here drive me nuts ...
That might explain why sales of soy milk — which is higher in protein as a share of calories than either whole, reduced fat, or low-fat cow’s milk — have remained stable, while low-protein ...
Fast food french fries used to taste better. That's not just me looking at the past through a grease-smeared lens of nostalgia; in 1992, a heart attack survivor named Phil Sokolof sold the ...
Losing belly fat is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to weight loss. While exercise and a healthy diet are key, adding the right fruits to daily meals can speed up the process.
If you were only allowed to wear one trainer style for the rest of your life what would it be? If you’re a self-proclaimed fashion obsessive who prides themselves on keeping up with trends ...
Emma Griffiths was about 11 when she developed symptoms for lipoedema For years, Emma Griffiths was self-conscious about the fact her legs had grown out of proportion with the rest of her body ...