No money left the bank, but the "inputting error" came amid CEO Jane Fraser's efforts to convince regulators she's fixing the ...
Citigroup credited $81 trillion to a customer’s account, instead of just $280, and took hours to reverse the transaction — an ...
Citigroup erroneously credited $81 trillion, instead of $280, to a customer’s account and took hours to reverse the ...
Citi group erroneously credited $81 trillion, instead of $280, to a customer's account and took hours to reverse the ...
The payment was initially overlooked by two employees before a third employee caught it. Citi later reported the incident as ...
Citigroup erroneously credited $81 trillion, instead of $280, to a customer's account and took hours to reverse the ...
Citigroup (C) erroneously credited a client's account with $81T in what should have been a $280 transaction, a mistake that ...
Once caught, it took the bank several hours to reverse the erroneous transaction, which occurred in April 2024 ...
No funds left Citi, which disclosed the near miss – when ... Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the report said. Citi told Reuters in an emailed statement its ...