The Board of Zoning Appeals has approved Walmart’s request to reduce parking at its general merchandise store, paving the way ...
Oviedo’s story began like many communities in Florida, where citrus farming started elsewhere. Investors seeking profit ...
An Aldi fan on Reddit recently compared the cost of their grocery list at Aldi to several major stores, and we’re absolutely ...
Only one minor league baseball mascot is better than our beloved Mr. Celery, according to USA TODAY 10BEST Readers’ Choice Awards.
"I accidentally sauteed too many vegetables for soup recently — onions, carrots, celery — so I froze the excess and it was so ...
Maremma is known for its wild landscape and beauty, but food here is just as amazing. Acquacotta is a simple, but delicious example of local cuisine.
Love in Amish country comes with rules that might surprise anyone unfamiliar with their traditions. These customs may seem ...
Simultaneously, though, it is unmistakably a restaurant attached to a hotel: It exudes the same elevated yet generic, ...
Atop the bulb are the fronds, which are leafy and subtly anise-flavored. They’re terrific when used just as you would with ...
Companion planting is a mutually beneficial placement of compatible plants and natural pest management — the keys to complete ...
Amanda Seyfried says she drinks black coffee and celery juice every morning. While many health claims about celery juice are ...
Long growing seasons, access to the Colorado River, and abundant sunlight all contribute to Yuma’s agricultural advantage.