Abandoned puppies rescued in Laredo cemetery highlight animal cruelty as LAPS calls for donations to help with veterinary ...
In the quiet countryside of Normandy in France, a former veterinary assistant has transformed a patch of farmland into a haven for animals discarded, disabled and deeply scarred by cruelty. At Suzi ...
Talon Majors told Newsweek that Hiro was 15 when he died after a full life with "adventures, attitude and mischief." ...
Jovie, left and Bugg, right spent Monday playing a very intense game of who can rip up the stuffed animal faster and for longer before the other one can get it. It’s a very complicated game with many ...
"He's very hyper but a smart boy. He loves to jump around and run and make other dogs chase him," Sydney Snyder told Newsweek.
Visitors to Elko’s pet rescue Endless Pawsiblities in past weeks may have found themselves greeted in the lobby by a gentle, ...
When a sassy husky opted out of a potty break with the rest of the pack, he got indignant when his Mom didn't jump to let him ...
Erin Clerico is a foster dad who went to his local animal shelter to meet an orphaned puppy that had been rescued from a hoarding situation. While there, he learned that the puppy's sibling was also ...
There aren't many times Houstonians can declare our weather glorious but the past few weeks have been just that. Except for ...
Want the steal the best Michigan road trip itinerary to use for your own trip? CLICK to read it and start planning!
A viral video of dogs reacting to their owner’s “good morning” is garnering attention on the internet for all the funny ...
A VET has revealed which popular dog breed he advises against for specific reasons that may not suit some families. Amir ...