TIRUCHY: The “relentless” usage of high-decibel air horns by private buses and other heavy vehicles startle fellow road users in the city so much so that some two-wheeler riders lose balance and ...
Some Avon and EagleVail residents may be familiar with the metronomic banging sound that has run from morning until dark most ...
Hearing impairment ranges from being "hard of hearing" to complete deafness. Ear ailments can arise from several factors: tinnitus, where strange bell-like ...
Noise pollution can impact our physical and mental wellbeing, so periods of silence throughout the day may just be the ...
But it’s not all about the decibel level, it also comes down to duration of exposure. Consistent exposure to sounds over 80 decibels could also be damaging so it’s important to limit both the ...
“If you’re in the flight path for LaGuardia or JFK airports, cicadas can easily drown out the jets – those jets are usually around 80 decibels.” And Brood XIV will make their presence kno ...
"If you're exposed for several years, your body's reacting like that all the time, it increases your risk of developing things like heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke and type 2 diabetes," ...
Over 6 million rail customers in Germany filed for compensation over delays and cancellations. Germany's rail operator said old and overloaded infrastructure was to blame.
Safety hours come down drastically with an increase in decibel levels. When we can hear sounds without earphones at 80 decibels (dB) for up to eight hours, at 90dB, it is safe for not more than ...
Arkansas AG Tim Griffin rejected a proposal to reform voter initiative rules, citing vagueness. ARKANSAS, USA — Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin rejected a proposal to reform the state's rules ...
With Jourdan Lewis signing elsewhere, the Cowboys have a few intriguing options to replace him at slot corner.