An agreement between the United States and Ukraine provides for the establishment of a commercial fund owned by the United States and financed by Ukraine. Source: the text of the deal updated as of ...
In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, 21 February, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico actually justified Russian aggression against Ukraine and accused Ukrainian ...
An examination has confirmed that the majority of the remains of what are believed to be Ukrainian POWs killed in the crash of an IL-76 warplane in Russia's Belgorod Oblast match the DNA of their ...
US President Donald Trump told journalists at the White House on Friday, 21 February that he would not travel to Moscow to mark what is known in Russia as Victory Day on 9 May. Source: European Pravda ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a telephone conversation with Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof on Saturday, 22 February. Source: Zelenskyy and Schoof on X (Twitter), as reported by European Pravda ...
Ukraine's General Staff has confirmed that Ukrainian forces attacked the Novovelichkovskaya oil pumping station in Russia’s Krasnodar Krai on 20 February. The station serves the ...
Clashes broke out in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, on Saturday, 22 February, between police and protesters of the pro-Russian Revival party who attacked the EU Delegation in the country. Source: ...
"За попередньою інформацією, росіяни скинули на місто 5 авіабомб. Поранення отримали місцеві жителі від 29 до 48 років.
"По предварительной информации, россияне сбросили на город 5 авиабомб. Ранения получили местные жители от 29 до 48 лет.
В результате российской атаки по центру Доброполья в Донецкой области насчитали 33 раненых. Ранее сообщалось о 30.
Прямая речь: "В Покровске россияне убили мужчину 1977 года рождения, ранили 2 человека. Поврежден дом". Детали: Филашкин также добавил, что в Константиновке в результате вражеских обстрелов в субботу ...