At a time of rising authoritarianism, ever-increasing inequality and the rollback of basic human rights the world over, this ...
On International Women's Day, the ITUC stands in solidarity with women workers, their trade unions and all progressive allies ...
At a time when gains on gender equality and women's rights are threatened by a hostile political climate, building women's transformational leadership in our movement can help ensure that our movement ...
On the World Day of Social Justice, a high-level global union delegation is holding a two-day meeting with the leadership of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to call for economic ...
As Germany prepares to vote on 23 February, the far-right AfD party is causing alarm. Polls place them in second position, behind only the centre-right CDU and ahead of the centre-left SPD. In ...
Solidarity statement of the ITUC Women’s Committee denouncing the devastating impact of the Trump Administration’s dismantling of federal programmes. The rollback of funding will undermine the ...
Millions of people worldwide now depend on digital platforms for their income. From food delivery couriers to ride hailing drivers and content moderators, technological innovation has opened new ...
À l'heure où l'autoritarisme gagne du terrain, où les inégalités se creusent et où les droits humains fondamentaux sont remis en cause partout dans le monde, le moment est venu de donner un élan décis ...
En tiempos de creciente autoritarismo, de desigualdades cada vez mayores y de retroceso en los derechos humanos básicos en todo el mundo, la ocasión también es propicia para dar un impulso final al pr ...
Am Internationalen Frauentag steht der IGB solidarisch an der Seite arbeitender Frauen, ihrer Gewerkschaften und aller progressiven Verbündeten überall auf der Welt, um für Geschlechtergleichstellung, ...