The situation recalled Tom Nairn’s verdict on the Labour administration of Harold Wilson in 1965, which he said had not just ...
The Kurdish forces, then, appear to believe that swallowing this bitter pill is the only way to preserve their social base ...
Trump’s second term has begun with a whirlwind of iconoclastic pronouncements and an opening to Moscow that has sent European rulers into ideological crisis. An American-policy aide-mémoire offers ...
What questions for critical social theory are posed by the capitalist slave regimes of the Americas? An inquiry into the political, economic and social-reproductive dimensions of enslaved and ‘doubly ...
Responding to his interlocutors in NLR’s symposium, Blackburn foregrounds the contradictions of capital and political rule in the Atlantic slave systems that opened space for class struggle.
New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history, philosophy and culture.
Opening a symposium on Robin Blackburn’s The Reckoning, a probing examination of political agents and structuring conditions behind the late overthrow of slavery in the American South, Cuba and Brazil ...
The same bifurcation, however, can be found on the Left. If we look at great modern historians of the Left, we find complete indifference to the role of ideas in Fernand Braudel, contrasted with ...
To the victors, the spoils. A hundred years ago, after the conclusion of the First World War, the British Empire and its French ally broke up the old Ottoman-dominated Arab world and created new ...
If an unremarkable opening sentence is like an escalator that lowers you down into an essay—the trajectory is predictable, the pace regular and slow—Janet Malcolm’s are more like diving boards that ...