Commonsense management measures can help keep arthritic horses comfortable and sound even in the coldest weather.
One horse in King County, Washington, was recently hospitalized due to an intestinal issue shortly after moving from Missouri ...
Research reminds us that that when equine appetites and instincts collide, the result can be some surprising behavior.
On March 14, a 22-year-old Appaloosa mare at a boarding facility in Gallatin County, Montana, was confirmed positive for ...
One horse at a boarding facility in Portage County, Ohio, recently tested positive for equine herpesvirus (EHV). The horse ...
The effective date of the HPA final rule, other than the training section, changes to February 1, 2026, with public comment ...
On Jan. 6, an unvaccinated Quarter Horse stallion in Cass County, North Dakota, tested positive for rabies after developing ...
My mare Audie, seems like a throwback to the 19th century, but she’s the kind of horse that equestrians of any era would ...
One horse in Kittitas County, Washington, recently tested positive for equine influenza. The horse is under veterinary care ...
It’s spring! The weather is warming and the trails are calling, but you’ve got the “pudgy pony blues.” ...
A 7-year-old Quarter Horse gelding used for racing in San Joaquin County, California, recently tested positive for equine ...
The scholarship program is designed to support incoming and current college or vocational students involved in animal ...