BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Willie Mays pulled a fast one on us, and how typical of him. Thursday was to be the day we were to celebrate him, not have a celebration of life for him.
Willie Mays, "The Say Hey Kid," started his career with the Birmingham Black Barons at Rickwood Field in 1948. Sign up for our Newsletters Join us on-air and online at 6:30 p.m. CST on Thursday ...
Birmingham’s Rickwood Field is in the spotlight this year, as the location of a splashy Major League Baseball game on June 20, saluting the Negro Leagues and Willie Mays, an Alabama native and ...
Benjamin Hill travels the nation collecting stories about what makes Minor League Baseball unique. This excerpt from his newsletter is a mere taste of the smorgasbord of delights he offers every week.
Born May 6, 1931 in Westfield, Alabama to Ann and Willie Howard Mays Sr., Mays played baseball with his father on an industrial-league team in Birmingham, according to MLB. By 15, he was already ...
Not only is Rickwood Field a historic site in Negro League history, it's also a big site in Major League history as it's about to be this weekend. Not only is Rickwood Field a historic site in ...