The white axolotl, which seems to be "pretty much every stuffed animal that's out there," is "actually a mutation of a single animal that was collected in 1864." "You can get color variants ...
If you want an axolotl as a pet, you can choose from a rainbow of colors, such as albino, brown, green, gold, lavender, and mosaic. As popular as they are, you will rarely see pink or white ...
According to Mori, many pink- and white-colored axolotls distributed in Japan and elsewhere have been genetically modified for ornamental purposes. Wild ones are typically dark-colored.
Developmental biologists, neurobiologists, and amphibian research scientists find the axolotl an excellent animal model for their research. Not only are axolotls easy to handle, but females ...
A museum and conservation centre dedicated to Mexico’s critically endangered axolotl salamander is highlighting the amphibian’s remarkable story that has captured the attention of scientists ...