Take, for example, water meters. They undeniably serve an important ... You can match them to the style of your yard or even your house's exterior since the screens also come in various styles ...
Being aware of common water system problems can help you be prepared for serious issues and protect your home from damage.
Minneapolis city employees are replacing 46,000 water meter transmitters ... for touchpad readers on the side of the house that are manually read by meter staff. Those property owners won ...
Travis said the water meters it uses, which are made by a separate company called Metron, are intended primarily to measure water flowing in one direction: into a house. If water is flowing back ...
“I'm not being billed for my water. I'm being billed for somebody else's” he said. With two meters sitting next to each other outside his house, Richard explained that “the metre on my bill ...
The Swansea Water District is partnering with Hydro Utilities to upgrade water meters for all residents. The upgrades are part of a new meter replacement program and free to residents and businesses.