No species has all seven, but orb-web weavers have five. Spiders have structures called spinnerets on their abdomen, usually on the underside to the rear. These are the silk-spinning organs. Different ...
Spiders living in caves show how tiny genetic changes can reshape vision or cause complete blindness over generations.
While operating the deep-sea robot nearly 7,000 feet below the surface, the machine’s camera captured a creature that ...
Spiders typically spin webs by producing silk from their silk glands with the help of their spinnerets, which are special organs that allow them to decide what type of thread they need at various ...
Males of the aptly named __Harpactea sadistica__ spider jab their spiked copulatory organs into the body walls of female spiders to inject their sperm and outcompete rival males -- an arachnid first, ...
Its backside has a blurry herringbone pattern. The male spiders have spiral-shaped reproductive organs, while the females have reproductive organs that are shaped like a screw. This is something ...