The National Sheep Association (NSA) will welcome UK breed societies and enthusiastic pedigree sheep breeders to an insightful workshop this May as part of its refreshed NSA Breed Society Forum. The ...
Funding of €650,000 has been awarded for Oviflock – a project aiming to lay the foundation for genetic improvement in the ...
Clogher Mart hosted a sale of breeding sheep last Tuesday 18 March.The bank holiday weekend, the promise of warmer weather ...
Mr. Gould -- Is breeding in-and-in injurious ... Question -- Is there any reason why some sheep are more liable to feet-ro than others? Answer -- Yes; it is owing to the difference in the ...
The history and description of the various kinds of sheep which inhabit the world was ... Mr. ALLEN followed Mr. GOLD on stock breeding, showing by statistics that the value of our stock was ...
BREEDING SHEEP Harper Gerik, center, exhibited the reserve champion breeding sheep that did not sell. On hand for the ...
On our farm, we have a goal to become more and more self-sufficient each year other than sheep, experimenting with growing our own vegetables, potatoes, rhubarb, strawberries, and salads.
“Sheep and goats both have fairly seasonal breeding patterns, most breed in the fall and give birth in the spring, leading to a higher supply of lambs and kids in late summer,” Thorne said. “That ...
When Raia Olsen, owner of Oahu Grazers, pulls up to the solar farm in Mililani and lets her flock of sheep out of the trailer ...
The H5N1 virus was detected in a single sheep in Yorkshire, England, during routine testing conducted on a site where avian ...