This wide-open landscape becomes a theatre where each animal's instincts and unique evolutionary skills are tested. As you've probably guessed, savanna animals are a distinct fauna group that's ...
You may have seen lions, elephants and snakes in the zoo but if you wanted to see these incredible animals in their natural habitat you’d need to visit a tropical grassland, or a savanna.
Visitors can get closer to wildlife than ever, but the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance's impact goes far beyond the savanna.
The animals are ace jumpers ... Some species, like the South African galago, hang out in acacia trees on the savanna. Other species, like the brown greater galago, prefer more tropical and ...
African savanna elephants are the biggest elephant ... While "an elephant never forgets" may be a bit of an exaggeration, the animals do have remarkable memories. Elephants file important details ...
There’s also the forest buffalo, the West Africa savanna buffalo ... Buffalo and bison aren’t the same animals. How the misnomer came to be is murky, but it’s thought early American settlers ...